Good news Crucians!
A new installment method is now available for HCC students who are affected by the non-funding of the tertiary education subsidy.
The Board of Directors agreed to ease the payment method for first-year and second-year students after their meeting last January 14.
1st-year and 2nd-year students can now settle their fees from the PREVIOUS SEMESTER UNTIL THEY GRADUATE starting the next academic year 2023 - 2024, provided that the student will settle all their accounts for the 2nd semester of the school year 2022 - 2023.
For the balance of 1st-year-students, it will be settled within 30 MONTHS or approximately P500 per month.
For the balance of 2nd-year students, it will be settled within 20 MONTHS approximately around P2,250 per month.
You can now visit the Accounting Office for your updated Statement of Account.
Here is the updated enrollment process for this 2nd semester.
Step 1 - The student must go to his/her program chair for evaluation and advice for enrollment.
Step 2 - The student needs to go to the Registrar’s Office to secure three (3) copies of his/her COR (Certificate of Registration.)
Step 3 - The student will proceed to the accounting office for the execution and signing of the promissory note. (Except for those who have fully paid their past due and current semester fees).
Step 4 - The student will continue the enrollment process to the Cashier for the signature and stamp as ENROLLED on her COR.
Step 5 - The student will proceed to the MIS office to be marked as enrolled in the old system for class list purposes (DES).
For more information, you can message us here on the official Facebook page of Holy Cross College.